Welcome to our new website

Gordon Street Surgery from Saturday 4th May is now operated by East Staffordshire Primary Care Partnership. Some parts of our website might not work correctly just yet, we are working hard to resolve this as soon as we can. Please bear with us during this transitional period. If you have further questions, please call us.

Private Medical Work

Private Medial Work

Request a Letter from Your GP

Doctors are increasingly asked to carry out private work for patients. Examples of private work are:

  • Medical Insurance Reports
  • Fit to Travel forms/certificates
  • Copies of medical records
  • Private sick notes
  • Holiday Cancellation Forms / Letters
  • Fit to Exercise letters

Doctors levy a charge to the patient or requesting party for any private work and aim to undertake this work as soon as possible. Patient’s should allow at least 6 weeks for private work to be completed. Advice on fees can be obtained from our reception staff or via the attachment list below.

Referrals: Please do not make appointments for Private consultations before your letter is ready. Patients should allow 10 working days for the completion of your letter. Patients will not be charged for private referral letters.

Private Work Fees

Starting from 1st December 2023, our fees for private work will be increasing to the amounts listed here. Some fees are not the responsibility of the patient and will be covered by the insurance provider. If the patient is responsible for fees for any private work, they will be made aware of this and must agree before any work is carried out. Please be aware that refusal of payment at any point may result in delays or refusal on our part to complete private work.

Please Note – Private work does not take precedence over NHS work.